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Unless featured below, some specific appeals may be closed at this time.
'Mini' appeals can be found on our Facebook page.  
Please see our latest updates regarding our appeals & requests...

One of the most important parts of this project is the knitters who generously donate their time, energy and wool to the cause; and we appreciate every single one of you! If you haven't yet joined us, maybe its time to. 

Whether you've knitted your whole life or you've never knitted a single thing - we need your help.  So, grab some knitting needles, some wool, a cuppa & get knitting!


Wool can be collected from our wool collection points across the UK. Alternatively, just use what wool you may already have. If you're in need of some inspiration or guidance, below are some pattern examples to follow & a simple knitting guide.

Please be sure to follow our Facebook page for regular updates of the project's appeals & new knitting guides! 

Once you've done knitting, please drop your creations over to one of our appeal address' or pop them in the post.


Join the WBP knitting crew and receive the unbeatable feeling of helping those in need.

Just take a look at one some of our volunteer knitters have to say below!

Makes me so happy to see our wooly things being used. When I became disabled 9 yrs ago I felt useless... Now I am starting to feel like I have a purpose again...

Janey, Volunteer Knitter


If you are new to the page and maybe haven’t heard of a ‘mystery knit’ before. We will be linking the patterns below, but you won't know what it will look like until you reach the end, so it’s a complete surprise! Please don’t post photos of your blankets until we have revealed it to everyone so no ones mystery is ruined! But please do send us photos of your work privately, as we do love to see! (We wont reveal it for a few weeks to give everyone a chance to complete!)


Our Mystery knit patterns are available for free however, we are hoping that those who are able will be able to donate £2 to our just giving page as a donation for the fun of the mystery pattern!.. On our first mystery knit this turned out to be a great way for us to fundraise! Most of our patterns require around 150-200gms of wool, £2 would enable us to buy 2 balls of wool for a collection point, which would enable another knitter to be able to knit this blanket who may not be able to afford to buy yarn. This will work like a suggested donation, or an honesty box. So if you are unable to donate, or simply don't want to, you don't have to, we'd just love to use this opportunity to raise some money for our lovely project... then we can keep bringing you new mystery knits! 


Mystery Knit #1

WOW WOW WOW!!!!!! Mystery Pattern donations have kept rolling in, so blown away by all your amazing support (as always!!)

So far the mystery pattern donations have raised... £1162!

Just shows you how much the £2s all add up when we work together! This is absolutely incredible, and thank you also to everyone who donated over £2! 

Massive thank you to Caitlin who made this possible by creating the mystery pattern for everyone to enjoy!


If you're motivated to get knitting for WBP take a look the images below for previous WBP knits made by our volunteers, aren't they just lovely! Then see below a quick how-to-knit guide & instructional pattern guides. 

You can see more of our lovely knits on our facebook page.

We love this simple video from Hobby Lobby explaining the basics of knitting. However, there may be other types of knit or instructional videos & sheets that you may find easier to follow. We would love to hear what's your favorite! 

For those of you who already know the basics, below are some knitting guides, patterns & links for pieces which we can donate. Alternatively, head to the Rivalry sight for more inspiration. 

For our album of Knitting patterns you can scroll the slideshow below...

Knitting 101


Please note, we do not own all of these patterns. All credit goes to the rightful owners of the patterns.

Alternative Knitting Patterns: 

(Please note we do not own these patterns & all credit goes to the creator). 

Cardigan & Matching Booties






Levi Blanket

Send Us Your Patterns...

If you've got a pattern you think we could use please send it to us! Don't worry, we will give you full credit. 

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